The idea of manifesting the things you want in life is a fairly well known concept, but sometimes it can feel a bit vague. People often say “oh, I manifested that” with a casual wave of their hand, as if it was some magic trick that can’t be explained and you’re left wondering what exactly they did that was so special that you can’t seem to recreate for yourself.
It doesn’t even need to be anything big - obviously, we aren’t all out here winning the lottery. It can be little things like the person who always finds the best parking spot, getting all the green lights when they’re running late to work, or getting the last of their favorite treat at the store after a rough day. I have a friend who I firmly believe manifested twins because she wanted two children but didn’t want to go through pregnancy twice.
There is an overwhelming amount of information out there about the “best” ways to manifest effectively. But I have found that it all boils down to four main points.
Have a defined vision of what your goal is. Get very clear on what it is that you want to achieve and create a vivid image of that in your mind. Journaling or vision boards are very popular methods of visualization. You don’t just want to say “I want to be happy”. You need to define what happiness actually looks like as a reality for you. Maybe happiness is spending more time with your family, or going on a bucket list vacation, or even just going to sleep without dreading work the next day. Or maybe you want to retire by 35 and live on a private island somewhere. My point is, Be Specific.
Have a positive belief mindset. This can be the most difficult part for many people. We all have residual limiting beliefs that hold us back and often drive us to subconsciously self-sabotage. However, it’s important to sincerely believe in your heart and soul that your desires will be fulfilled; it’s not enough to just sit back and kind of hope for the best while expecting the worst. Self-doubt is one of the most common impediments to successful manifestation and may require outside assistance to overcome.
Let go of control. Surrendering your control over the outcome and trusting that a higher power will provide what is best for you at the appropriate time can be very powerful. This does not mean that you stop working for your goals, but rather you detach from the outcomes, lowering worry and resistance to the process. This step helps align you with the flow of life and creative power of the universe.
Balance your energy. When your emotional and energetic states are in balance and aligned with what you want to attract it acts as a magnet for circumstances, people and opportunities that correspond with your goals. Consistently connecting your energy with your goals strengthens your intentions and brings them closer to realization.
One of my favorite methods for getting into a manifestation mindset and energy is with Reiki. I have seen so much success with this in my personal life and with my clients. In its essence, Reiki works with the energy in and around the body to bring you back to a state of rest and balance. We can release old energy and belief patterns that no longer serve your highest good, bring you into a state of positive vibrations, and help you move into a less reactive and more responsive way of life. My goal is to help you reach your goals.
Love and good vibes.